Omaha Truck Accident Lawyer

Anyone who drives in Omaha has certainly encountered many large trucks with which they share the road. While these bulky vehicles are important to commerce, they are much larger, heavier, and more difficult to control than personal vehicles. This means they pose a substantial risk if not handled with the proper diligence. Trucks that are driven or maintained improperly are liable to cause accidents.

Unfortunately, people involved in a truck accident can suffer severe physical and emotional injuries with long-term effects. Those responsible for the incident often try to act quickly to reduce their monetary liability, and they may put pressure on victims to sign statements or agree to settlements before they fully understand the implications of the accident.

If you are suffering from injuries as the result of a truck accident, it may be wise to consult an Omaha truck accident lawyer at Inkelaar Law as soon as possible to learn how to preserve your rights and find out whether you may be entitled to monetary compensation. For more on your claim, consult with a personal accident attorney today. En Español.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Omaha

According to a study produced jointly by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the majority of truck accidents are caused by a combination of factors, some of which may date back days or even months before the crash. These factors may involve the driver, the environment, or the actual truck itself.

Some possible factors involving the driver may include:

  • Driving while distracted by cell phones, eating behind the wheel, etc.;
  • Driving while impaired by fatigue or drugs or alcohol;
  • Poor decision making, such driving too close or too fast for conditions;
  • Improper handling of equipment, including overcompensating and poor directional control;
  • Unfamiliarity with the route; and/or
  • Pressure to complete delivery at a fast pace.

Common factors related to the driving environment include conditions such as icy roads, poor visibility, and debris in the roadway.

Finally, truck-related factors that contribute to accidents include: brake failure, shifting of improperly loaded or inadequately secured cargo, tire problems, or other issues related to equipment stress. There are many scenarios, not all of them can be explained here. Give our Omaha truck accident attorneys a call at Inkelaar Law to find out if you have a case.

Truck Accident Liability

The companies that operate trucks and hire drivers are responsible for ensuring their equipment is safe and their drivers have adequate training and supervision. However, sometimes these companies fail to install up-to-date safety equipment or maintain policies in place that encourage drivers to take unnecessary risks, often in an attempt to maximize profits.

Whatever the cause or rationale, it is very likely that insurance adjusters working in the trucking industry will not offer the maximum possible compensation to accident victims.

The Advantages of Working with an Omaha Truck Accident Attorney

Big trucking companies have big insurance companies and top attorneys working to help them keep their liability costs as low as possible. Those suffering from an injury due to a truck accident deserve to have equally experienced and qualified legal representation to fight for their rights.

If you suffered serious injury as a result of a truck accident, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, time lost from work, pain and suffering, emotional distress, property damage, and other costs resulting from the incident.

An experienced legal team may be able to help you recover all damages to which you may be entitled. Contact an Omaha truck accident lawyer at Inkelaar Law now to learn about your options.