If you’ve been in an accident and are suffering injuries, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. However, after a car accident, especially one where you aren’t suffering from obvious injuries, you might be wondering if you should see a doctor.
If you speak with a personal injury attorney after a car accident in Tampa, you’ll be advised on your rights when seeking medical attention. However, in the meantime, our team at Inkelaar Law has shared some insights on if and when you should seek care from a doctor following an auto accident.
The scene of the accident is often hectic and stressful. You may need immediate medical care from paramedics, or you may need to be taken to the emergency room. In these cases, you will need to seek follow up care with your primary care physician, and you will need to let them know that the injuries are due to an auto accident.
However, you are not required to receive medical treatment at the scene of the accident. You have the right to refuse medical care at the scene without forfeiting your right to compensation later on. If you are more comfortable seeking treatment from your primary care physician from the start, you are within your rights to do so.
If you’ve been involved in an auto accident, you may be surprised to learn that not all injuries are immediately evident. Sometimes, you’ll find yourself suffering from deep tissue damage or even broken bones days after the accident happened. Once your adrenaline wears off, you might be facing increased pain that requires medical attention.
Despite the fact that not all injuries are immediately evident, in Florida by law you only have 14 days from the date of the accident to seek medical treatment for injuries relating to the accident in order for them to be considered part of the case. This applies to having the auto-insurer cover the costs of your injuries as well as the inclusion of injuries in a civil lawsuit.
After an auto accident in which an injury occurred, you may feel stress and anxiety while navigating it alone. You’ll need to arrange, and pay for, follow up medical care and you may find that your life and ability to work or care for your family has been negatively impacted. Get the help of an experienced car accident personal injury lawyer in Tampa who will help you get the compensation you deserve.
If you have been injured in an accident and are interested in filing a personal injury case, contact Inkelaar Law today.
If you need a car accident personal injury lawyer in Tampa, please give us a call for free consultation at (813) 722-0622, or submit our consultation request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.