
Omaha DUI Lawyer

gavel-and-brass-lamp-editIf you’ve been arrested for a DUI or DWI you must contact an Omaha criminal defense attorney immediately. You have only 10 days from the date of the arrest to request an administrative hearing to challenge the suspension of your license.

We have an excellent record in Omaha of winning and/or setting aside “automatic” driver’s license suspensions. We are also very successful at defending these cases and negotiating minimal sentences, which often include house arrest instead of extended jail sentences.

We encourage our clients to enter into alcohol treatment programs to aid in their recovery and to assist us in effectively negotiating a resolution if the case cannot be realistically defended by our attorneys at trial. If you would like a free consultation regarding your criminal case, please contact our Omaha criminal defense lawyers to discuss your case. Let us put our vast resources and experience to work for you.

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