
Nebraska Dangerous Drugs Lawyer

Virtually everyone has taken a prescription drug at some point in time, and most Americans trust the government and pharmaceutical companies to keep their best interests in mind. There have been many cases of pharmaceutical companies releasing dangerous drugs on the market and harming numerous patients. These companies often fail to adequately test drugs or recall them once they are found to be dangerous.

If you believe you were harmed by a dangerous drug, hiring a Nebraska dangerous drugs lawyer may be in your best interest. It may be possible for you to hold the drug company responsible for their irresponsible actions with help from one of Inkelaar Law’s skilled attorneys.

The Role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the federal agency in charge of regulating prescription drugs and pharmaceutical companies. It requires drug companies to test drugs extensively before they are released on the market. Once the results of a test are released, the FDA decides if the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks.

The agency does not actually test the drugs, but it does allow pharmaceutical companies to perform their own tests. This means the agency must trust the data released by a drug to some degree. So, it is possible for pharmaceutical companies to release false or incomplete records to the FDA. It is also possible for an FDA-approved drug to seem safe at first, but then be found to pose a threat to the health of patients as time progresses.

How Do Dangerous Drugs Reach the Market?

The idea of the FDA allowing pharmaceutical companies to release and market a dangerous drug may seem preposterous, but it can and does happen. Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars lobbying the government, and they have more influence on FDA regulations than you might think.

Pharmaceutical companies often choose to release dangerous drugs for the following reasons:

  • Unknown side effects or interactions
  • Failure to disclose known side effects
  • Off-label prescribing
  • 510k clearance, which allows a drug company to release a drug with limited testing if a similar drug is already on the market and known to be safe

It is also important to know FDA regulations do not cover all prescription drugs. Many pharmacies compound or mix together prescription drugs without knowing or documenting the long-term effects of the combination.

Pharmaceutical representatives are also notorious for encouraging doctors and hospitals to prescribe drugs for off-label (non-approved) purposes. If any of these scenarios result in you being injured by a dangerous drug, a Nebraska dangerous drugs lawyer could help you review your legal options.

Can a Safe Drug Become Dangerous?

Over time, numerous drugs that were originally thought to be safe have been found to be dangerous. Many of these drugs were used to treat illnesses and conditions such as cancer, depression, and high blood pressure, and they were heavily marketed to consumers.

Some of these drugs were responsible for causing the deaths of countless patients who trusted them. Even after drug companies were made aware of these deaths, they refused to voluntarily recall the dangerous drugs. If you intend to fight back against a pharmaceutical company and recover compensation for your damages, you would more than likely need help from a Nebraska dangerous drugs lawyer.

Speak with a Dangerous Drugs Attorney in Nebraska Today

Drug companies should not be allowed to intentionally release drugs that may be dangerous to the public. If they do, they should be forced to face the consequences. However, fighting back against a pharmaceutical company is not an easy task, and most patients who seek to file suit against one would benefit greatly from the legal guidance and expertise of a qualified attorney. If you were hurt by a dangerous drug, know that there is help available to you. Contact a Nebraska dangerous drugs lawyer from Inkelaar Law today if you are ready to fight back.

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