Omaha Car Accident Injury Lawyer

With so many cars on the road, accidents are frequent and injuries are common. In fact, on average someone is injured in a car accident four times every minute in the United States.

When you are dealing with the aftermath of an accident, your focus should be on recovery. Unfortunately, insurance companies and other parties may take advantage of you in this vulnerable time and force you to make decisions before you can collect the information necessary to make an informed decision.

For this reason, if you are suffering from the consequences of an automobile collision you should consider speaking with a knowledgeable Omaha car accident lawyer from Inkelaar Law who can explain your rights, evaluate your situation, and help you determine the best course of action to obtain available compensation. En Español.

Steps to Take After an Omaha Car Accident

Regardless of the cause of an accident, there are certain standard practices that can help you ensure the safety and protection of all parties involved. First, all parties at the accident scene should check for injuries and call 911 if necessary. Bear in mind that certain injuries may not become apparent until sometime after the event.

Second, the driver or drivers involved should contact the police to report the incident and ask whether impacted vehicles should be moved from the roadway. Before moving any vehicles, it is a good idea to take pictures of the scene with a smartphone or any other type of camera.

While waiting for police, you can collect contact information and insurance information from any other drivers involved. However, it may be preferable to provide contact and insurance information to the authorities and have them share that information with the other parties present.

In addition, you or a passenger should record information about the accident such as the date, time, location, and weather conditions and visibility. If there are witnesses at the scene, it is often helpful to collect information from them as well before consulting with an Omaha car accident lawyer.

What to Do After Leaving an Accident Scene

After a collision, it is often imperative to seek counsel to determine your legal needs. When you are at the scene of the collision, taking these important steps will help an Omaha auto accident attorney evaluate more clearly what occurred at the time of the collision. When those involved in a car accident have reached a safe location, each party’s respective insurance company should be contacted and claims should be filed based on the information recorded earlier. It is generally wise to avoid making any statement assigning blame to particular parties.

It is important not to leave the scene of the accident until after police have given permission to do so. If a vehicle cannot be driven home from the scene, the insurance company should be able to assist with contacting a towing service.

Finally, at Inkelaar Law, we believe it is often a good idea to speak with an attorney before answering any questions from insurance companies involved in the incident. Insurance companies almost always seek to minimize their costs and often will not offer fair compensation at first.

Types of Injuries for Which Compensation May Be Available

Car accidents can cause serious emotional trauma as well as major physical injuries. Very often, the full extent of the physical and emotional consequences do not become apparent until days or weeks later.

Those suffering the effects of a car accident may be entitled to monetary compensation to cover medical bills, time lost from work, and to make up for pain, suffering, and traumatic effects caused by the negligence of another person.

Some examples of the types of recoverable injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  • Neck injuries
  • Dental damage
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Burns
  • Internal bleeding
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Paralysis (temporary or permanent)
  • Organ damage

In addition, compensation may also be available for emotional injuries such as PTSD, mental anguish, anxiety, loss of enjoyment of life, and insomnia.

Get Help from an Experienced Omaha Car Accident Attorney

After a car accident, paying bills may be the last thing you want to think about. Unfortunately, automobile accidents often result in major added expenses such as medical and repair bills. At the same time, the effects of the accident may impact employment, which may make paying these bills difficult.

When you consult an experienced Omaha car accident lawyer, you may learn how to handle the paperwork and other issues after an accident so that you can focus on recovery. An experienced legal team could fight on your behalf to obtain the full and fair compensation to which you are entitled.

If you are suffering from the effects of a car accident, call today to learn what options you may have and how Inkelaar Law can help make the process easier. Our goal is to relieve you from the stress of dealing with the aftermath of an auto accident.

Diversity in Friendship

The attorneys at Inkelaar Law want to support people of all different backgrounds in our community. Omaha is a special place with many different types of people. Children are our future and should be encouraged to make friends with children who are different from themselves in many ways. That’s why we are offering a chance to reward a child who has showcased compassion and open mindedness through our Diversity in Friendship Nomination. For more information visit our Diversity in Friendship page.