Omaha Speeding Accident Lawyers


Defined as driving in excess of posted speed limits, or too fast for conditions, speeding is one of the most prevalent factors contributing to traffic accidents in the United States. The economic cost to society of speeding-related crashes is estimated by the NHTSA to be $40.4 billion per year. In 2010, speeding was a contributing factor in 31% of fatal crashes, killing 10,395 people. Under Nebraska law, all motorists are required to drive at a speed that is reasonable or prudent for the weather or road conditions.

In 2010, 39 percent of the male drivers in the 15 to 20 and 21 to 24 age groups who were involved in fatal crashes were speeding at the time of the crash. Further, alcohol and speeding seem to go hand in hand. In 2010, 42 percent of speeding drivers who were involved in fatal crashes were also intoxicated, with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 (grams per deciliter [g/dl]) or greater. In contrast, only 16 percent of the non-speeding drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2010 were intoxicated, which highlights the adage that alcohol and driving should never mix. In 2010, 35 percent of all motorcyclists involved in fatal crashes were speeding, compared to 23 percent for passenger car drivers, 19 percent for light-truck drivers, and 8 percent for large-truck drivers.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an auto accident and incurred injuries as a result of the other driver’s negligence, you could be entitled to compensation for medical bills, physical pain and mental anguish that you endured. At Law Office of Thomas T. Inkelaar, we use every means available to prove negligence on the part of a speeding driver in order to obtain the highest monetary reward for our clients.

What Is Speeding?

Drivers can become distracted and unknowingly increase their pace while driving long distance, so it is sometimes difficult to identify when you, as the driver, are actually speeding. Of course, any speed in excess of posted speed limits is classified as speeding by law but there are a few guidelines that can help drivers to remember what speed is appropriate for their location, even without any posted limits.

The following speeds are commonly accepted as evidence of unreasonable driving:

  • 25 mph in a residential district
  • 30 mph in a business district
  • 75 mph on interstate highways
  • 65 mph in other locations, unless otherwise posted

Speeding reduces a driver’s ability to steer safely around curves or objects in the roadway, extends the distance necessary to stop a vehicle, and increases the distance a vehicle travels while the driver reacts to a dangerous situation.

More Likely To Speed?

For drivers involved in fatal crashes, young males are the most likely to be speeding. The relative proportion of speeding-related crashes to all crashes decreases with increasing driver age. Insurance costs are usually higher for the young male demographic, as statistics point to a higher incidence of accidents and dangerous driving habits there.

In 2010, only 53 percent of speeding passenger vehicle drivers under 21 years old who were involved in fatal crashes were wearing safety belts at the time of the crash. In contrast, 75 percent of non-speeding drivers in the same age group were restrained. For drivers 21 years and older, the percentage of speeding drivers involved in fatal crashes who were using restraints at the time of the crash was 47 percent, but 76 percent of non-speeding drivers in fatal crashes were restrained.

Staying Aware

The truth is that every driver can speed, although some age groups and personalities are more likely to do so. No one is immune from an accidental acceleration, especially on long stretches of road when the driver may not be regulating the pressure they exert on the gas pedal as well. The only way to avoid speeding is to pay close attention to posted speed limits, and by consciously monitoring your rate of speed. Cruise control is often helpful in highway situations where there is no need to keep a foot on the gas pedal; it’s a great way to be certain that your speed remains unchanged.

If you or a loved one has experienced an auto accident and were injured as a result, seeking competent legal representation with an experienced Nebraska auto accident attorney is the best way to ensure that justice will be brought to the parties who are at fault.

Contact Our OmahaCar Accident Attorneys

At the Law Office of Thomas T. Inkelaar, our attorneys have the experience handling car accident cases and will investigate every possible contributing cause of an accident in order to achieve the MAXIMUM compensation benefits available.

Our attorneys all operate on a contingency fee basis for auto collision victims, which means that we will not charge you anything for our services unless we achieve a successful verdict or settlement and you recover for your losses and damages.

Being headquartered in both Omaha and Lincoln, we are able to provide services throughout the state of Nebraska.

A few local areas we serve include:

  • Ashland
  • Bennington
  • Council Bluffs
  • Crete
  • La Vista
  • Milford
  • Millard
  • Seward
  • Syracuse
  • Waterloo
  • …along with most of the suburbs surrounding these areas.

If you would like to schedule a free no-obligation consultation, or would simply like to learn more about our law firm, we invite you to contact us today at 1-877-537-4665 today. Here a staff member will intake information about your accident and quickly connect you with one of our caring attorneys ready to handle your specific case.

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