
Omaha Texting While Driving Lawyer


In a recent survey conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 87% of motorists considered emailing and texting while driving to be a very serious threat to safety on American roads. This compares to the number of drivers who believe drinking and driving to be a serious hazard (90%).

With over 75% of Americans now owning smartphones, the dangers posed by cell phones have become increasingly prevalent in recent years. Distracted driving accidents now regularly include reports of cell phone use for talking, texting and emailing. It is illegal for any driver in Nebraska to engage in texting while driving. If you have been injured in an accident with a distracted driver, the texting and driving lawyers at the Law Office of Thomas T. Inkelaar may be able to help.

Risks of Texting While Driving

Not only does the percentage of drivers who believe texting and driving is dangerous match the percent who believe drinking and driving is dangerous, but the risks are similar. Studies have revealed that the distraction caused by a cell phone is similar to that of a person who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. According to the National Traffic Safety Administration, over 5,000 are killed and more than 400,000 injured each year due to distracted driving accidents.

Here in Nebraska, texting is illegal for all drivers, and handheld cell phone use is prohibited in drivers under the age of 18. Texting while driving is a secondary offense, and can only be ticketed if witnessed by an officer in conjunction with another offense – or in the case of an accident, if admitted by the driver or proven by subpoena of phone records.

According to a study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, a texting driver is 23 times more likely to be involved in a collision. Cell phone use is also the culprit in about 21% of fatal accidents involving teen drivers each year. Despite these hazards, many motorists engage in this dangerous behavior daily.

Cell phone use can easily cause a distraction for a driver, and these distractions affect the way the motorist will drive. These effects fall into one of three categories; in any accident, one or all three of these types of distraction can be present:

  • Cognitive: mental focus is removed from the operation of the automobile
  • Manual: the driver’s hands are removed from the wheel, feet from pedals, etc.
  • Visual:  a driver takes their eyes off the road

Proper operation of a motor vehicle demands that all visual, manual and cognitive focus be held on the act of driving. When someone uses a cell phone and removes his focus from the task at hand, the dangers for themselves and others on the road can end in devastating losses.

Cell Phone Accident Injuries

Whether involved in a massive pile-up or a single-vehicle accident, it is common for those involved in a texting and driving accident to suffer severe injuries. When someone fails to pay attention to their surroundings, especially when traveling at high speeds, the consequences are often dire.

Some common injuries sustained in texting and driving accidents include:

  • Airbag trauma
  • Fractures
  • Concussions
  • Internal trauma
  • Lacerations
  • Psychological damage
  • Seatbelt trauma
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
  • Whiplash
  • Wrist damage
  • Wrongful death

Depending upon the type of accident and the type of vehicles involved, injuries caused by cell phone distractions can be life-threatening and require weeks, or even months, of recovery time. If you or a loved one has been hurt by a driver who was texting, you are encouraged to contact an experienced attorney.

Contact Our Omaha Texting and Driving Lawyers

According to the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR), over 130 accidents in 2011 were attributed to circumstances where a driver was distracted by a mobile phone. Considering the damage that can be done, and that most of these accidents could have been prevented by simply putting the phone down, it is truly tragic when a loved one is hurt or killed.

If your family has suffered because of a driver who was distracted by a cell phone, the texting and driving lawyers at the Law Office of Thomas T. Inkelaar will review your potential case for free. Our attorneys are dedicated to each and every one of our clients, and we offer high-quality, aggressive litigation in order to obtain the MAXIMUM amount in a verdict or settlement for our clients.

We proudly serve the state of Nebraska through our offices in Lincoln and Omaha, and accept clients in the following cities and towns:

  • Omaha
  • Lincoln
  • Grand Island
  • Columbus
  • Fremont
  • Bellevue
  • Beatrice
  • …and communities throughout the state

Contact us at 1-877-537-4665 today to discuss the details of your potential case. One of our knowledgeable representatives will briefly interview you before connecting you to one of our auto accident attorneys.

For even faster service, simply fill out the Free Consultation form at the top of this page.

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